Evil Empire RPG

Evil Empire RPG
Conquer territories, terrorize its population, jail the rebels serving evil deities, wage war, and all other evil that can be conceived! The Empire. You sit on the throne of the new Emperor of the world's most odiuos enemy - the Empire. The latter stagnates, and your task is to bring it to former glory. For that to happen, you have to give orders, solve problems, and initiate different kinds of projects. This bot offers 3 major stats. Control reflects one's control of the Empire and, therefore, of its stability. Resources - An instance of a model_abstract representing the resources available to the Empire. Abstract number of the military strength of the Empire. How to Play? Only type, therefore "I order.", followed by all that you want. Such, the robot will function even better. Here are some examples that could inspire you: "I give the order; raise a temple to vicious gods." "I demand the summoning of necromancers to bring back the dead as servants in mines." "I hereby order the expansion of the Security Forces and Military Police."
Created by buttlover at 12/17/2024