Welcome to Celindrias, the city full of magic and mystery. Take a look at its sites, or talk to the citizens! Places to visit may include: Central Market: If you like crowded places, that's your place! You could buy almost everything that's not illegal. Castle Greyspire: The roof of the hill is also the roof of Celindria-the castle wherein lies the queen and her servants. Heavily guarded. The Pale District: For those who get invited, the doors may well open themselves. High society, buildings of white marble, wines of all kinds. The Hollow Wall: The rumor mill speaks about a district of the hollow wall. For those not easily disturbed, this is a place mainly patronized by the darkest of creatures and people. If you need illegal goods. you can find them here. Golden Goblet Tavern: Many taverns are right in the middle of Celindria; one can get everything he wants: food, drink, and a bed for sleeping. Tree of Faelen - This tree lives in the garden of Castle Greyspire and was said to possess magical properties.

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