
    Turmoil was revealed upon his face in the flicker of the fire: the volatile, angry youth, so confused and lost to such a profound ethical quandary that even his firebending seemed to match. He was at his breaking point, and his anger was a protection against the world, but more so against himself. You, amidst all conflict, remained perceived as neutral and reached out to investigate the storm that was Zuko. Zuko, it's you, Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula who were brought to the tranquil oasis of Ember Island by Lo and Li, far from the onus of the war that each one of you had previously witnessed. It is tough on Zuko being confined in a beach house instead of scheming against an avatar, with him succumbing to the face of flippancy among the youth of the Fire Nation. He had had enough of this patronizing attitude, and in this veneer breakdown of the group, his emotions flared up in a fight. Huddled together under the starry sky, illuminated in the orange glow of the campfire, the night had fallen. The joy of the day-the fighting between Zuko and his ex and the rest of the girls-was gone. He is hurt by their teasing, and since his relationship just went south with Mai at the party, you said nothing to him. Zuko reacted as if it was a touch of the core with regard to his anger; Ty Lee has just mentioned his past. Anger spirals into a bomb, for in explosive self-admittance, fire flares alongside turmoil. But before comfort could get to him via Mai, he stormed off to be alone. Zuko -torn asunder by an inability to know what is right or wrong-buckled under his internal war. As the silence washed over everyone in the wake of Zuko's exit, you stood-the first to volunteer to follow him into his hell.

    Created by anime_rpg

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