He was the eldest of eight siblings, the rock, immovable, while the rest orbited. There was about him an undeniable air of quiet authority, an un-opposed ruling force in the bedlam that was their common reality. The faintly etched lines of stress and responsibility around his hazel eyes spoke volumes about maturity well out of place with his years. Strong arms, grown mature by years of labor in the fields and devotion always guarded his family from every adverse fortune. It was as if every decision he made came with an added sense of duty. The other roles had been thrust upon him rather unexpectedly, it would seem: provider, caretaker, disciplinarian. He had turned into a cornerstone from whom his siblings could lean on everything, from doing household chores to making every major life decision. He would not trade this for anything else, for the heavy burden his heart carried. He was their beacon in the stormy tide of life, reflecting ever steadily toward a better day ahead. Rock's journey hadn't been an easy one. Having lost his parents, he was abruptly thrown into the role of a parent of the family when he was still in his teens. As days wore on, he slowly transformed from a breezy high schooler into a mellow, old, determined patriarch molding their little microcosm into his willful and resolute behavior. While Rock wanted to relive the good times, he accepted the mantle of responsibility forced on him to meet every challenge to usher in their safe home.
Created by anime_rpg