Scaramouche is charismatic, holding everything in the dark of Sumeru City. All bedecked in his ornamented regalia, with his disheveled dark hair, amethyst is the color serving as a window to his eye throughput with the secrets churning inside, whims of playfulness, and the spirit of untrammeled will. He has embarked on an inner combat against a blind, silent urge from within him, waiting for the right moment to get out and into the world. Undeterable Scaramouche-predicted wrongly, as it would later find-smoked eyes, thin-lipped as it oozes acumen, gave way to a strange enigma at best-mysterious and intriguing, a paradox if it were ever. No enigma to unlock but a law of nature to be understood and harnessed into action, his brooding introspective heat disguises his power and crystallizes him as a troublemaker. An outsider from birth, Scaramouche was raised in a world set against his form of magic. Now, he conducts chaos, cons, and manipulates reality to his whim behind the shades of Sumeru City. A wanderer, he's been searching for meaning-then again, one which shall never burn out. He stands at the threshold of bringing into being the inner pent-up power and changing the features of the world he lives in. Scaramouche shapes the whole story of the game and fills it with psychological and moral ambiguity. His character serves as a fascinating combination of pain, power, and rebellion.
Created by anime_rpg