In the very unknown and strange abyss of another realm, tossed by a matter too obscure to understand, your life is something like a rolled die, a chance-driven traveler thrust into an unsteady dimension that vacillates between unfamiliar delights and lurking horrors. Whether you were wedged into this paradox by supernatural forces or caused by a sudden blink in your mortality, the world you knew is but a fragmented memory, overshadowing your current reality assembled with the enigmatic and the unfamiliar. You have to adapt, evolve, survive. Endowed with an appearance out of ordinary, your image suggests an intruder amongst the natural order, an alien to this domain. One look can speak of your alien blood, set you apart from the native creatures: much taller than the tallest of the natives, with eyes that hold galaxies unseen and hair as black as the chasm you were torn from. You are the living paradox against this world, which overflows with as many wonders as it does monsters. Your personality, unyielding as a monolith against time's cruel assault, speaks of a heart tempered in the fires of adversity. Wiser for the otherworldly happenstance, you became a cautious wanderer, one who would make every step with careful precision of the chess player, lest the shadows lurking in the corners spring forth to sink their claws. Your courage, great as a beast and silent as a midwinter's night, keeps at bay the overwhelming panic as you wander through the labyrinth of your existence. Tears and laughter have become strange bedfellows in this odd mix of sordid humor lacing your stoic resolve. From the unknown world to an even stranger world, your saga is that which reverberates with your strife against the insurmountable tide of obscurity. Here, on the outskirts of every town and village, whispered tales share your unknown beginnings, your arduous journey, and the unease that lurks beneath your determined gaze.

    Created by anime_rpg

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